Lessons for Learning Gig:

Beginner Spanish 1.1

Secondary / Middle School | 8 Weeks of Module Lessons (English)

Beginner Spanish 1.1 is the first of 5 Learning gigs that contain 8 lessons each that can be taught in 8 weeks or less. This course is designed to be an effective middle school course introducing Spanish.

Gig Team:

Ron McDaniel  | Outstanda

Greetings and Basic Expressions

Students will be able to greet others in Spanish and use basic expressions in conversation.
  • Comfortable Use of Greeting and Introductions
  • Learn and Practice Basic Spanish Pronunciation
 Mastery Assessment Unavailable

Spanish Alphabet and Pronunciation

Students will be able to identify the Spanish alphabet and correctly pronounce each letter.
  • Know the Spanish alphabet
  • Correctly pronounce each letter in the alphabet
 Mastery Assessment Unavailable

Spanish Numbers and Counting

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to count and recognize numbers in Spanish from 1-1,000.
  • Recognize and count in Spanish to 100
  • Understand format of numbers into the thousands
  • Use basic shopping vocabulary
  • Pronounce numbers clearly
 Mastery Assessment Unavailable

Spanish Days of the Week and Months of the Year

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify and name the days of the week and months of the year in Spanish.
  • Identify and name the days of the week in Spanish
  • identify and name the months of the year in Spanish
 Mastery Assessment Unavailable

Spanish Seasons and Weather

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify and name the four seasons and common weather expressions in Spanish.
  • Know how to talk about weather in Spanish
  • Know seasons in Spanish
 Mastery Assessment Unavailable

Spanish Family and Relationships

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify and name family members in Spanish and express basic relationships between family members.
  • Identify family members in Spanish
  • Talk about relationships in Spanish
 Mastery Assessment Unavailable

Spanish Food and Drinks

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify and name common food and drinks in Spanish and express basic preferences.
  • Name common food and drinks in Spanish
  • Express preferences for food and drink in Spanish
 Mastery Assessment Pending

Why Learn a Language?

Welcome to Beginner Spanish for English Speakers

This course is designed to help you speak, read, and write Spanish quickly and easily.

It is always important when you are learning something to understand why you are learning it. There are many good reasons to learn a second language, and there are many good reasons to learn Spanish as your second language if you speak English.

Learning a Second Language Benefits

Improved Focus

According to many studies, learning a second language helps young people focus better. This might be from the fact that two sets of words require better concentration to select the right set of vocabulary, which makes the mind more disciplined and focused.

Improved Problem-Solving Skills

When you are learning a second language and using it, you are often confronted with not knowing a vocabulary word or the correct way to say something.  This means you need to be flexible and come up with a solution on how to say something with the tools you know. This improves a person's creative problem-solving skills.

Enhanced Multi-Tasking Ability

Studies have shown that people who speak more than one language are generally better at multitasking. This makes sense because switching between languages means your brain is accustomed to multi-tasking frequently.

Academic Excellence

While many colleges do not require a second language for entry today, it is still a sign of a more academically successful student to have a language in the transcripts. Students who want to go to a very good college or might want to improve their chances of getting a scholarship can benefit from studying a language. It also can help if a student is interested in spending some time studying abroad in high school or in college.

Job Opportunities

When you try to get a job, it is very rare that a prospective employer will ask you which books you have read or what math problems you can solve.  However, it is very common to include which languages you speak, because speaking another language is a skill that many employers find useful. There are also more jobs available to people who speak multiple languages.  Jobs that include working with people from different cultures and backgrounds, international jobs, tourism jobs, and service jobs are all going to value, or even require, a second language.

Reduce Risk of Dementia

As someone gets older, the risk of dementia has been seen to be less, or occur later, in people who speak more than one language regularly. Results vary when you look at different studies, but generally, older adults who speak more than one language have brain health benefits.

Cross-Cultural Appreciation

When students learn a new language, they will also be exposed to different cultures. This gives students a broader understanding and appreciation for people around the world. Students who learn a second language are often more open-minded and tolerant of people different from themselves.

Why Is Spanish a Good Choice to Study?

Easier for English Speakers

Spanish comes predominately from a Latin root, and English is also partially from a Latin root due to the influence of Latin from religion and science. This means that there are a lot of similarities when you look at vocabulary from both languages. Plus, Spanish rules and irregularities are fairly easy to understand.


Cognates are words that are the same, or similar, in two different languages.  Luckily for English speakers learning Spanish, there are a lot of cognates and that will give you a head start in building your vocabulary.

Your Neighbor Might Speak Spanish

Spanish speakers live in many places, including in many English-speaking countries. Your country probably has many Spanish speakers. You might have Spanish speakers living very near you, or working at your favorite restaurant, or attending school with you.  Speaking some Spanish will help you get to know new people.

Common Travel Destinations Speak Spanish

Many common places for a vacation primarily speak Spanish. While people working in a hotel will frequently speak English, if you want to go outside of a resort, you will benefit from knowing some Spanish. It is also a lot of fun to speak to local people in their native language.

Many People Speak Spanish

While the most common first language is Chinese, the second most common first language is Spanish.  Many people speak English as a second language, so your combination of Spanish and English will help you communicate with many people in the world. 

Mexico has the most Spanish speakers, and the United States has the second most Spanish speakers in the world.

Spanish Greetings and Farewells Dialogue Practice

Project Title: Spanish Greetings and Farewells Dialogue Practice

Objective: Students will work in groups of 2-3 to write and practice a dialogue in Spanish using three different greetings and three different ways of saying goodbye. By engaging in this activity, students will improve their conversational skills and become more familiar with common Spanish expressions.


  1. Form groups of 2-3 students. 
  2. As a group, choose three greetings and three ways to say goodbye in Spanish. 
    Examples include: 
    Greetings: "Buenos días," "¿Qué tal?," "¿Cómo estás?" 
    Farewells: "Adiós," "Hasta luego," "Nos vemos." 
  3. Write a short dialogue between two people in Spanish, incorporating the chosen greetings and farewells. 
  4. Ensure that each greeting and farewell is used at least once in the dialogue. 
  5. Practice the dialogue within your group, with each student taking turns playing the two roles. 
  6. Repeat the dialogue several times, switching roles after each round to ensure all group members have the opportunity to practice both parts. 
  7. (Optional) Share your dialogues with the class, either by presenting them verbally or submitting the written dialogues for review. 

By working together to create and practice these dialogues, students will gain a better understanding of common Spanish expressions and build their conversational confidence in the language.

Spanish Alphabet Pronunciation

Here is a list of the Spanish alphabet along with phonetic spelling for English speakers. Note that the Spanish alphabet has 27 letters, including "ñ" which is not present in the English alphabet.


A - a (ah)

B - be (bay)

C - ce (say)

D - de (day)

E - e (eh)

F - efe (ef-ay)

G - ge (hay)

H - hache (ah-chay)

I - i (ee)

J - jota (ho-tah)

K - ka (kah)

L - ele (el-ay)

M - eme (em-ay)

N - ene (en-ay)

Ñ - eñe (en-yay)

O - o (oh)

P - pe (pay)

Q - cu (koo)

R - ere (air-ay) / erre (air-ray) (the rolled R)

S - ese (es-ay)

T - te (tay)

U - u (oo)

V - ve (vay) / uve (oo-vay)

W - doble ve (doh-blay vay) / doble u (doh-blay oo) / uve doble (oo-vay doh-blay)

X - equis (ay-kees)

Y - ye (yay) / i griega (ee gree-ay-gah)

Z - zeta (say-tah)


Keep in mind that pronunciation may slightly vary depending on the accent or regional dialect. Additionally, some letters, like "k" and "w," are less common in Spanish and are mostly used in foreign words or loanwords.

Special Spanish Pronunciation

Here is a list of special Spanish pronunciations with explanations to help English speakers understand some unique sounds in the language: 

RR (doble erre) - This letter combination represents a trilled or rolled 'r' sound. It is produced by vibrating the tip of the tongue against the alveolar ridge (the area just behind the upper front teeth). 
Examples: perro (dog), carro (car). 

R (ere/erre) - When 'r' appears at the beginning of a word or after 'l', 'n', or 's', it is also pronounced as a trilled or rolled 'r'. 
Examples: rojo (red), alrededor (around). 

LL (doble ele) - The pronunciation of 'll' varies depending on the dialect or region. In most parts of Spain and some Latin American countries, it is pronounced as a 'y' sound in English, while in other regions, it is pronounced closer to the English 'j' sound or even as 'sh' in some parts of Argentina. 
Examples: llamar (to call), calle (street). 

CH (che) - The 'ch' in Spanish is similar to the English 'ch' sound, as in 'chair' or 'cheese'. 
Examples: chico (boy), leche (milk). 

J (jota) - The 'j' in Spanish is pronounced like the English 'h' in 'house' but with more force and friction. In some regions, it may sound closer to the 'ch' sound in the German word 'Bach' or the 'ch' in the Scottish word 'loch'. 
Examples: jamón (ham), jardín (garden). 

Ñ (eñe) - This letter is unique to the Spanish alphabet and is pronounced like the 'ny' sound in the English word 'canyon'. 
Examples: año (year), niño (child). 

G (ge) - The pronunciation of 'g' in Spanish depends on the following vowel. When 'g' comes before 'a', 'o', or 'u', it is pronounced as a hard 'g', similar to the English 'g' in 'go'. When 'g' comes before 'e' or 'i', it is pronounced like the English 'h' in 'house'. 
Examples: gato (cat), gente (people). 

C (ce) - Similar to 'g', the pronunciation of 'c' in Spanish depends on the following vowel. When 'c' comes before 'a', 'o', or 'u', it is pronounced as a hard 'k' sound, as in 'cat'. When 'c' comes before 'e' or 'i', it is pronounced like the English 's' sound, as in 'sun'. 
Examples: casa (house), cinco (five). 

These special pronunciations are essential to understanding and speaking Spanish accurately. By familiarizing yourself with these sounds and practicing them, you'll improve your Spanish pronunciation and communication skills.

Spanish Pronunciation Group Practice

Spanish Pronunciation Practice with a Focus on Rolling the R


In this group project, students will work in pairs to practice Spanish pronunciation, with a special focus on mastering the rolled R (erre) sound. This activity will enhance students' Spanish speaking skills by helping them become more familiar with the unique sounds of the language, particularly the challenging rolled R.


  1. Form pairs: Divide the class into pairs, ensuring each student has a partner to work with. Encourage students to work with someone they haven't partnered with before to promote interaction and collaboration among all class members.
  2. Review pronunciation rules: As a class, briefly review the general pronunciation rules of Spanish, paying special attention to the rolled R. Explain the situations in which the rolled R occurs (e.g., at the beginning of a word, after 'l', 'n', or 's', or when there is a double R).
  3. Practice the rolled R: Before diving into the practice activities, have each pair spend a few minutes focusing specifically on the rolled R sound. Students can take turns attempting to produce the sound and offering feedback to their partners.
  4. Select practice words and phrases: Provide a list of Spanish words and phrases that include the rolled R sound for students to practice. Alternatively, students can create their own lists by selecting words from resources. Ensure that each pair has a diverse set of words and phrases to practice, including words with the rolled R at different positions.

Examples of words with the rolled R sound:

  • perro (dog)
  • ferrocarril (railway)
  • arriba (up, above)
  1. Enrique (a name)
    Practice pronunciation in pairs: In their pairs, students should take turns reading the selected words and phrases aloud, focusing on accurate pronunciation and the rolled R sound. Encourage students to give constructive feedback to their partners, highlighting areas of improvement and offering suggestions.
  2. Rotate partners (optional): After 10-15 minutes of practice, you may have students switch partners and repeat steps 4 and 5. This allows them to gain exposure to different accents and practice styles, which can be beneficial for improving their overall pronunciation skills.
  3. Group reflection and sharing: After completing the paired practice, bring the class together to share their experiences. Encourage students to discuss any challenges they faced, tips or techniques they found helpful, and the progress they made in mastering the rolled R.

By engaging in this collaborative and focused pronunciation practice, students will develop a better understanding of the unique sounds in the Spanish language, particularly the challenging rolled R, and improve their overall speaking skills.

Counting in Spanish 0 to 30

0 - cero - (SEH-roh)  
1 - uno - (OO-noh)  
2 - dos - (dohs)  
3 - tres - (trehs)  
4 - cuatro - (KWAH-troh)  
5 - cinco - (SEEN-koh)  
6 - seis - (says)  
7 - siete - (SYEH-teh)  
8 - ocho - (OH-choh)  
9 - nueve - (NWEH-veh)  
10 - diez - (dyehs)  
11 - once - (OHN-seh)  
12 - doce - (DOH-seh)  
13 - trece - (TREH-seh)  
14 - catorce - (kah-TOR-seh)  
15 - quince - (KEEN-seh)  
16 - dieciséis - (dyeh-see-SAYSS)  
17 - diecisiete - (dyeh-see-SYEH-teh)  
18 - dieciocho - (dyeh-see-OH-choh)  
19 - diecinueve - (dyeh-see-NWEH-veh)  
20 - veinte - (VAYN-teh)  
21 - veintiuno - (vayn-tee-OO-noh)  
22 - veintidós - (vayn-tee-DOHS)  
23 - veintitrés - (vayn-tee-TREHS)  
24 - veinticuatro - (vayn-tee-KWAH-troh)  
25 - veinticinco - (vayn-tee-SEEN-koh)  
26 - veintiséis - (vayn-tee-SAYSS)  
27 - veintisiete - (vayn-tee-SYEH-teh)  
28 - veintiocho - (vayn-tee-OH-choh)  
29 - veintinueve - (vayn-tee-NWEH-veh)  
30 - treinta - (TREH-een-tah)

Counting in Spanish 40 to 1,000 Foundation

40 - cuarenta - (kwah-REN-tah)
50 - cincuenta - (seen-KWEN-tah)
60 - sesenta - (seh-SEN-tah)
70 - setenta - (seh-TEN-tah)
80 - ochenta - (oh-CHEN-tah)
90 - noventa - (noh-VEN-tah)
100 - cien - (syehn) / ciento - (SYEHN-toh) (when used with other numbers)
200 - doscientos - (dohs-SYEHN-tohs)
300 - trescientos - (tres-SYEHN-tohs)
400 - cuatrocientos - (kwah-troh-SYEHN-tohs)
500 - quinientos - (kee-NYEHN-tohs)
600 - seiscientos - (say-see-EHN-tohs)
700 - setecientos - (seh-teh-SYEHN-tohs)
800 - ochocientos - (oh-choh-SYEHN-tohs)
900 - novecientos - (noh-veh-SYEHN-tohs)
1,000 - mil - (meel)

Spanish Working with Numbers Vocabulary

Commonly Used

Plus - Más
Minus - Menos
Times (multiply) - Multiplicar (por)
Divided by - Dividido (por)
Equals - Igual
Fraction - Fracción
Decimal - Decimal
Percentage - Porcentaje
Free - Gratis

More Complex Math Terms (Honors)

Square root - Raíz cuadrada
Power (exponent) - Potencia (exponente)
Greater than - Mayor que
Less than - Menor que
Greater than or equal to - Mayor o igual que
Less than or equal to - Menor o igual que
Parentheses - Paréntesis
Sum - Suma
Difference - Diferencia
Product - Producto
Quotient - Cociente
Remainder - Residuo



Buying Things in Spanish

Spanish Dialog Group Practice


  1. Have students work in pairs to act out the below dialog. 
  2. Instructors should go around and help with words and pronunciation. 
  3. Students should try both roles.
  4. After some practice, change up groups.
  5. Invite groups who are comfortable to act it out before the class.

Shopper: Hola, ¿cuánto cuesta esta camisa? (Hello, how much does this shirt cost?)

Employee: Hola, esta camisa cuesta 25 pesos. (Hello, this shirt costs 25 pesos.)

Shopper: ¿Y estos zapatos? (And these shoes?)

Employee: Los zapatos cuestan 60 pesos. (The shoes cost 60 pesos.)

Shopper: ¿Cuánto cuestan estos pantalones? (How much do these pants cost?)

Employee: Los pantalones cuestan 40 pesos. (The pants cost 40 pesos.)

Shopper: ¿Qué hay de esta chaqueta? (What about this jacket?)

Employee: La chaqueta cuesta 80 pesos. (The jacket costs 80 pesos.)

Shopper: ¿Tienen alguna oferta en estos productos? (Do you have any deals on these products?)

Employee: Sí, actualmente tenemos un descuento del 20% en todas las camisas y pantalones. (Yes, we currently have a 20% discount on all shirts and pants.)

Shopper: Muy bien. Creo que llevaré la camisa y los pantalones. (Very good. I think I'll take the shirt and the pants.)

Employee: Excelente, le ayudaré en la caja para realizar el pago. (Excellent, I'll help you at the register to complete the payment.)

Shopper: Gracias por su ayuda. (Thank you for your help.)

Employee: De nada, ¡que tenga un buen día! (You're welcome, have a great day!)

Color Dialog in Spanish

Students should divide into 2-3 people per group. They should read and practice this dialog and then create their own asking about the color of an object. If in the classroom, the instructor can explain the dialog. If working without an instructor, you can use a translation tool to understand the words in the discussion.

Dialog between students discussing colors:

Estudiante 1: Hola, ¿de qué color crees que es esta camiseta?

Estudiante 2: Hola, creo que la camiseta es azul.

Estudiante 1: No, yo creo que es verde. ¿No te parece verde?

Estudiante 2: Hmm, es cierto que parece un poco verde, pero yo diría que es más azul que verde.

Estudiante 1: Entiendo lo que dices, pero el verde y el azul a veces pueden parecerse. ¿Y si le preguntamos a alguien más?

Estudiante 2: Buena idea. Oye, ¿de qué color crees que es esta camiseta?

Estudiante 3: Hola, a mí me parece turquesa, que es una mezcla de azul y verde.

Estudiante 1: ¡Vaya! Tiene sentido. Es una combinación de ambos colores. Gracias por tu opinión.

Estudiante 2: Sí, gracias. Ahora entiendo por qué estábamos debatiendo si era azul o verde.

Estudiante 3: De nada, ¡me alegra haber podido ayudar!

Spanish Days of the Week

Study this list for the days of the week in Spanish. You should easily be able to recognize them.

Los días de la semana

The weekendEl fin de semana

Months of the Year in Spanish

Students should practice and memorize the months of the year. Note that Spanish months are not capitalized in a sentence like the English equivalent.  

Los meses del año


Common Spanish Day/Date Phases

Learning these common phrases in Spanish will help students to effectively communicate about days and dates in everyday conversations.

Hoy: Today
Mañana: Tomorrow
Ayer: Yesterday
La semana pasada: Last week
El mes pasado: Last month
El próximo mes: Next month
La próxima semana: Next week
Este mes: This month
Esta semana: This week
El fin de semana: On the weekend
El cumpleaños: Birthday
¿Qué día es hoy?: What day is today?
¿Qué día es mañana?: What day is tomorrow?
¿Qué día fue ayer?: What day was yesterday?
¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños?: When is your birthday?
Día: Day
Noche: Night
El primer día del mes: The first day of the month
El último día del mes: The last day of the month
¿Qué fecha es hoy?: What is today's date?
¿Qué fecha es mañana?: What is tomorrow's date?
¿Qué fecha fue ayer?: What was yesterday's date?

Weather Phases in Spanish

What's the weather like?¿Qué tiempo hace?
It's sunny.Hace sol.
It's cloudy.Está nublado.
It's raining.Está lloviendo.
It's snowing.Está nevando.
It's cold.Hace frío.
It's hot.Hace calor.
It's windy.Hace viento.

Spanish Writing - My Favorite Thing To Do Each Season

My Favorite Things to Do in Each Season

Objective: In this assignment, students will write four paragraphs in Spanish about their favorite things to do in each season. This will help them practice using seasonal vocabulary and verbs in Spanish.


  • Students should write four paragraphs in Spanish, one for each season.
  • Each paragraph should start with "Mis cosas favoritas para hacer en el Verano/ Otoño/ Invierno/ Primavera son..." (My favorite things to do in Summer/ Autumn/ Winter/ Spring are...)
  • In each paragraph, students should describe their favorite activities to do during that season using appropriate seasonal vocabulary and verbs. For example, if their favorite activity in the summer is swimming, they should use the verb "nadar" and mention "piscina" (pool) or "playa" (beach) in their paragraph. They may look up individual words, but not translate whole sentences.
  • Each paragraph should be at least 4-6 sentences long.
  • Students should proofread their work and check for any grammatical errors before submitting it.

Assessment (Optional):
This assignment will be graded on the following criteria:

  • Use of seasonal vocabulary and verbs (40 points)
  • Clarity and coherence of the paragraphs (30 points)
  • Grammatical accuracy (20 points)
  • Overall effort and creativity (10 points)

By completing this assignment, students will be able to practice using seasonal vocabulary and verbs in Spanish, as well as develop their writing skills.

Climate and Weather Listening

Here are the questions you are listening for:

¿Cómo estará el clima el lunes? 
¿Qué precaución debes tomar el martes? 
¿Cómo será el clima el miércoles por la noche? 
¿Cómo será el clima el jueves? 
¿Qué día es perfecto para dar un paseo en el parque?

Spanish Weather Forecast Group Project

Objective: In this project, two students will work together to create a weather forecast for the upcoming week. They will practice using weather-related vocabulary, days of the week, and temperature numbers in Spanish.


  • Each group of two students will work together to create a weather forecast for the upcoming week.
  • Students should use weather-related vocabulary to describe each day's forecast in Spanish. For example, sunny (soleado), cloudy (nublado), rainy (lluvioso), etc.
  • Students should use the day of the week to introduce each forecast.
  • Students should use numbers in Spanish to provide temperature information for each day.
  • The forecast should include a different weather condition for each day of the week.
  • Once the forecast is completed, students can practice presenting it together.
  • If the instructor allows, students can present their forecast to the class.

Assessment (Grading Optional):
This project will be graded on the following criteria.

  • Accuracy of the forecast (20 points)
  • Correct use of weather-related vocabulary, days of the week, and temperature numbers in Spanish (30 points)
  • Clarity and organization of the presentation (20 points)
  • Teamwork and collaboration (20 points)
  • Overall effort and creativity (10 points)

This project will not only improve students' Spanish vocabulary but also enhance their public speaking skills.




Family Tree Individual Project

Note: If a student has a limited family size, ask them to write about someone else's family or make a fictional family to practice the vocabulary.

In this individual project, students will create a family tree using the Spanish vocabulary they've learned about family and relationships. They will start by drawing their own family tree, including as many family members as they can. They will label each family member with their name and relationship to the student (e.g., madre, abuelo, tío). 

After completing their family tree, students will write a paragraph in Spanish describing their family members and their relationships. They should mention at least five family members and include their names, relationships, and any other relevant information they'd like to share, such as ages, occupations, or hobbies. 

This project allows students to apply the vocabulary and concepts they've learned in a personal and meaningful way. It will also help them practice their writing skills in Spanish and deepen their understanding of family and relationships in the context of the Spanish language.

Spanish Family Listening Practice

  1. ¿Cómo se llaman los padres de Luisa?
  2. ¿Cuántos hermanos tiene Luisa?
  3. ¿Cuál es el nombre del amigo más cercano de Luisa?
  4. ¿Qué mascotas tiene Luisa?
  5. ¿Cómo describe Luisa a su gata, Luna?

A Date or Just Friends? Spanish Dialog

Students go in pairs and practice this dialog. Let them know the two people are not sure if it is a date or just as a friend, so if they are acting it out, it can be exaggerated and they can have fun with it. If students are not comfortable in a role, they can spend time analyzing the meaning of the dialog instead.

Person 1: Hola, ¿cómo estás?

Person 2: Hola, estoy bien, gracias. ¿Y tú?

Person 1: Estoy bien también. Oye, quería preguntarte algo.

Person 2: Claro, dime.

Person 1: ¿Te gustaría ir al cine conmigo este fin de semana?

Person 2: Sí, me encantaría ir al cine contigo. ¿Es una cita?

Person 1: No, no es una cita. Solo quería ver una película con alguien y pensé que sería divertido ir contigo.

Person 2: Ah, vale. Entonces solo vamos al cine como amigos, ¿verdad?

Person 1: Bueno, quizás. No estoy seguro. ¿Tú qué piensas?

Person 2: Pues, no sé. Si solo vamos al cine como amigos, está bien. Pero si es una cita, eso también está bien.

Person 1: Jajaja, esto es un poco extraño. ¿Por qué no vamos solo como amigos y vemos qué pasa?

Person 2: Sí, eso suena bien. Vamos al cine como amigos y vemos qué pasa.

Person 1: Perfecto. ¿Qué película te gustaría ver?

Person 2: No me importa. ¿Tú tienes alguna en mente?

Person 1: Sí, quería ver la nueva película de acción que acaba de salir. ¿Te parece bien?

Person 2: Genial, me encanta la acción. Estoy emocionado por nuestra cita-amistad.

Person 1: Jajaja, yo también. Por cierto, ¿me podrías dar tu número de teléfono?

Person 2: ¡Claro! Es 234-2345.

Person 1: Perfecto, ya lo tengo. Entonces, ¿te veo en el cine este fin de semana?

Person 2: ¡Por supuesto! Estaré allí.

Food and Drink Phrases in Spanish

Carefully study this list of food and drink phrases in Spanish. Using these phrases, write 5 phrases about your food and drink preferences. Be creative. Your instructor may ask you to read your preferences in class or create a slide show of your dietary preferences.

  1. Me gusta la pizza. (I like pizza.)
  2. No me gusta el pollo. (I do not like chicken.)
  3. Tengo hambre. (I am hungry.)
  4. Estoy lleno(a). (I am full.)
  5. Quiero comprar tres tacos. (I want to buy three tacos.)
  6. Los frijoles son deliciosos. (Beans are delicious.)
  7. Necesito un vaso de agua. (I need a glass of water.)
  8. El desayuno es mi comida favorita. (Breakfast is my favorite meal.)
  9. ¿Hay algún postre? (Is there any dessert?)
  10. Me encanta el helado. (I love ice cream.)
  11. Quiero una hamburguesa con queso. (I want a hamburger with cheese.)
  12. ¿Tienes alguna recomendación? (Do you have any recommendations?)
  13. ¿Podría tener una servilleta? (Can I have a napkin?)
  14. ¿Qué plato es el más popular? (Which dish is the most popular?)
  15. La comida está fría. (The food is cold.)
  16. ¿Cuánto cuesta la comida? (How much does the food cost?)
  17. ¿Qué ingredientes lleva la ensalada? (What ingredients are in the salad?)
  18. Me gusta el arroz con pollo. (I like chicken and rice.)
  19. ¿Puedo pedir la cuenta, por favor? (Can I ask for the bill, please?)
  20. No me gusta la comida picante. (I do not like spicy food.)

Spanish Restaurant Dialog

Act out this waiter / customer dialog in Spanish in a restaurant.

Waiter: ¡Buenos días! ¿Cómo puedo ayudarle hoy?

Customer: Hola, ¿tienen hamburguesas?

Waiter: Sí, tenemos hamburguesas. Tenemos una hamburguesa clásica con lechuga, tomate, pepinillos y queso. También tenemos una hamburguesa con tocino y queso.

Customer: Perfecto. ¿Tienen pizza?

Waiter: Sí, tenemos pizza. Tenemos una pizza de pepperoni, una pizza de jamón y piña, y una pizza vegetariana con pimientos, cebolla y champiñones.

Customer: Genial. ¿Tienen tacos?

Waiter: Sí, tenemos tacos. Tenemos tacos de carne asada, tacos de pollo, y tacos vegetarianos con frijoles y verduras.

Customer: Me encanta el pollo. ¿Tienen pollo frito?

Waiter: Sí, tenemos pollo frito. Puedes pedir un plato de pollo frito con papas fritas y ensalada.

Customer: Muy bien. ¿Tienen ensaladas?

Waiter: Sí, tenemos ensaladas. Tenemos una ensalada césar con pollo o camarones, y una ensalada de tomate, lechuga y aguacate.

Customer: Suena delicioso. ¿Tienen sándwiches?

Waiter: Sí, tenemos sándwiches. Tenemos un sándwich de pavo con lechuga y tomate, un sándwich de jamón y queso, y un sándwich de pollo a la parrilla con aguacate.

Customer: Gracias por toda la información. Me gustaría pedir una hamburguesa con tocino y queso, por favor.

Waiter: ¡Excelente selección! ¿Le gustaría acompañarla con papas fritas o ensalada?

Customer: Papas fritas, por favor.

Waiter: Muy bien. Enseguida lo preparo.

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