Traits of a Professional - Video

In this video, we'll explore the traits and behaviors that define professionalism in the workplace. From punctuality and accountability to communication and teamwork, we'll cover all the essential skills that employers are looking for in their employees.

In this video, we'll explore the traits and behaviors that define professionalism in the workplace. From punctuality and accountability to communication and teamwork, we'll cover all the essential skills that employers are looking for in their employees. 

But why is this so important? Simply put, learning how to behave professionally is key to success in any career. Employers want to work with individuals who are reliable, responsible, and effective communicators. By developing these traits early on, high school students can set themselves up for success in the job market and beyond.

From Lesson: Professionalism and Grooming

Learning Gig Lesson List:

From Learning Gig: Employment Soft Skills

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