Spanish Pronunciation Group Practice

This group project gets students into pairs and they practice pronunciation with each other.

Spanish Pronunciation Practice with a Focus on Rolling the R


In this group project, students will work in pairs to practice Spanish pronunciation, with a special focus on mastering the rolled R (erre) sound. This activity will enhance students' Spanish speaking skills by helping them become more familiar with the unique sounds of the language, particularly the challenging rolled R.


  1. Form pairs: Divide the class into pairs, ensuring each student has a partner to work with. Encourage students to work with someone they haven't partnered with before to promote interaction and collaboration among all class members.
  2. Review pronunciation rules: As a class, briefly review the general pronunciation rules of Spanish, paying special attention to the rolled R. Explain the situations in which the rolled R occurs (e.g., at the beginning of a word, after 'l', 'n', or 's', or when there is a double R).
  3. Practice the rolled R: Before diving into the practice activities, have each pair spend a few minutes focusing specifically on the rolled R sound. Students can take turns attempting to produce the sound and offering feedback to their partners.
  4. Select practice words and phrases: Provide a list of Spanish words and phrases that include the rolled R sound for students to practice. Alternatively, students can create their own lists by selecting words from resources. Ensure that each pair has a diverse set of words and phrases to practice, including words with the rolled R at different positions.

Examples of words with the rolled R sound:

  • perro (dog)
  • ferrocarril (railway)
  • arriba (up, above)
  1. Enrique (a name)
    Practice pronunciation in pairs: In their pairs, students should take turns reading the selected words and phrases aloud, focusing on accurate pronunciation and the rolled R sound. Encourage students to give constructive feedback to their partners, highlighting areas of improvement and offering suggestions.
  2. Rotate partners (optional): After 10-15 minutes of practice, you may have students switch partners and repeat steps 4 and 5. This allows them to gain exposure to different accents and practice styles, which can be beneficial for improving their overall pronunciation skills.
  3. Group reflection and sharing: After completing the paired practice, bring the class together to share their experiences. Encourage students to discuss any challenges they faced, tips or techniques they found helpful, and the progress they made in mastering the rolled R.

By engaging in this collaborative and focused pronunciation practice, students will develop a better understanding of the unique sounds in the Spanish language, particularly the challenging rolled R, and improve their overall speaking skills.

From Lesson: Spanish Alphabet and Pronunciation

Learning Gig Lesson List:

From Learning Gig: Beginner Spanish 1.1

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