Buying Things in Spanish

Students work in pairs to act out a dialog between a customer and a store employee.

Spanish Dialog Group Practice


  1. Have students work in pairs to act out the below dialog. 
  2. Instructors should go around and help with words and pronunciation. 
  3. Students should try both roles.
  4. After some practice, change up groups.
  5. Invite groups who are comfortable to act it out before the class.

Shopper: Hola, ¿cuánto cuesta esta camisa? (Hello, how much does this shirt cost?)

Employee: Hola, esta camisa cuesta 25 pesos. (Hello, this shirt costs 25 pesos.)

Shopper: ¿Y estos zapatos? (And these shoes?)

Employee: Los zapatos cuestan 60 pesos. (The shoes cost 60 pesos.)

Shopper: ¿Cuánto cuestan estos pantalones? (How much do these pants cost?)

Employee: Los pantalones cuestan 40 pesos. (The pants cost 40 pesos.)

Shopper: ¿Qué hay de esta chaqueta? (What about this jacket?)

Employee: La chaqueta cuesta 80 pesos. (The jacket costs 80 pesos.)

Shopper: ¿Tienen alguna oferta en estos productos? (Do you have any deals on these products?)

Employee: Sí, actualmente tenemos un descuento del 20% en todas las camisas y pantalones. (Yes, we currently have a 20% discount on all shirts and pants.)

Shopper: Muy bien. Creo que llevaré la camisa y los pantalones. (Very good. I think I'll take the shirt and the pants.)

Employee: Excelente, le ayudaré en la caja para realizar el pago. (Excellent, I'll help you at the register to complete the payment.)

Shopper: Gracias por su ayuda. (Thank you for your help.)

Employee: De nada, ¡que tenga un buen día! (You're welcome, have a great day!)

From Lesson: Spanish Numbers and Counting

Learning Gig Lesson List:

From Learning Gig: Beginner Spanish 1.1

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