Counting in Spanish 40 to 1,000 Foundation

This reading builds on counting principles to count by 10s and 100s up to 1,000.

40 - cuarenta - (kwah-REN-tah)
50 - cincuenta - (seen-KWEN-tah)
60 - sesenta - (seh-SEN-tah)
70 - setenta - (seh-TEN-tah)
80 - ochenta - (oh-CHEN-tah)
90 - noventa - (noh-VEN-tah)
100 - cien - (syehn) / ciento - (SYEHN-toh) (when used with other numbers)
200 - doscientos - (dohs-SYEHN-tohs)
300 - trescientos - (tres-SYEHN-tohs)
400 - cuatrocientos - (kwah-troh-SYEHN-tohs)
500 - quinientos - (kee-NYEHN-tohs)
600 - seiscientos - (say-see-EHN-tohs)
700 - setecientos - (seh-teh-SYEHN-tohs)
800 - ochocientos - (oh-choh-SYEHN-tohs)
900 - novecientos - (noh-veh-SYEHN-tohs)
1,000 - mil - (meel)

From Lesson: Spanish Numbers and Counting

Learning Gig Lesson List:

From Learning Gig: Beginner Spanish 1.1

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