Counting in Spanish 0 to 30
Counting in Spanish includes the Spanish words for the numbers as well as the phonetic spelling.
0 - cero - (SEH-roh)
1 - uno - (OO-noh)
2 - dos - (dohs)
3 - tres - (trehs)
4 - cuatro - (KWAH-troh)
5 - cinco - (SEEN-koh)
6 - seis - (says)
7 - siete - (SYEH-teh)
8 - ocho - (OH-choh)
9 - nueve - (NWEH-veh)
10 - diez - (dyehs)
11 - once - (OHN-seh)
12 - doce - (DOH-seh)
13 - trece - (TREH-seh)
14 - catorce - (kah-TOR-seh)
15 - quince - (KEEN-seh)
16 - dieciséis - (dyeh-see-SAYSS)
17 - diecisiete - (dyeh-see-SYEH-teh)
18 - dieciocho - (dyeh-see-OH-choh)
19 - diecinueve - (dyeh-see-NWEH-veh)
20 - veinte - (VAYN-teh)
21 - veintiuno - (vayn-tee-OO-noh)
22 - veintidós - (vayn-tee-DOHS)
23 - veintitrés - (vayn-tee-TREHS)
24 - veinticuatro - (vayn-tee-KWAH-troh)
25 - veinticinco - (vayn-tee-SEEN-koh)
26 - veintiséis - (vayn-tee-SAYSS)
27 - veintisiete - (vayn-tee-SYEH-teh)
28 - veintiocho - (vayn-tee-OH-choh)
29 - veintinueve - (vayn-tee-NWEH-veh)
30 - treinta - (TREH-een-tah)