Spanish Weather Forecast Group Project

Students work together to do a weather forecast in Spanish. This helps students practice days of the week, numbers, and weather vocabulary.

Objective: In this project, two students will work together to create a weather forecast for the upcoming week. They will practice using weather-related vocabulary, days of the week, and temperature numbers in Spanish.


  • Each group of two students will work together to create a weather forecast for the upcoming week.
  • Students should use weather-related vocabulary to describe each day's forecast in Spanish. For example, sunny (soleado), cloudy (nublado), rainy (lluvioso), etc.
  • Students should use the day of the week to introduce each forecast.
  • Students should use numbers in Spanish to provide temperature information for each day.
  • The forecast should include a different weather condition for each day of the week.
  • Once the forecast is completed, students can practice presenting it together.
  • If the instructor allows, students can present their forecast to the class.

Assessment (Grading Optional):
This project will be graded on the following criteria.

  • Accuracy of the forecast (20 points)
  • Correct use of weather-related vocabulary, days of the week, and temperature numbers in Spanish (30 points)
  • Clarity and organization of the presentation (20 points)
  • Teamwork and collaboration (20 points)
  • Overall effort and creativity (10 points)

This project will not only improve students' Spanish vocabulary but also enhance their public speaking skills.




From Lesson: Spanish Seasons and Weather

Learning Gig Lesson List:

From Learning Gig: Beginner Spanish 1.1

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