Track Your Time

The first thing you need to do to improve time management is to know how you currently spend your time. This assignment asks students to track their time for one week.

Objective: The objective of this assignment is to help you become more aware of how you spend your time, categorize your activities based on their value, and identify opportunities for improvement.


For one week, keep track of everything you do each day, including the start time and the activity. Categorize each activity based on their value using the following categories:

  • Necessity: Activities that are necessary for your basic needs, such as sleeping, eating, and personal hygiene.
  • High Value: Activities that contribute to your long-term goals, such as studying, exercise, and hobbies.
  • Planning: Activities that involve planning, organization, or reflection, such as setting goals, reviewing notes, or creating a schedule.
  • Low Value: Activities that are not productive or add little value, such as watching TV, scrolling through social media, or playing video games.

At the end of the week, review your schedule and categorize each activity according to the above categories.

Write a reflection paper that includes the following:

  • A summary of how you spent your time during the week, including the total hours spent on each category.
  • An analysis of how well you managed your time, including strengths and weaknesses in your time management skills.
  • A discussion of the impact of the different categories on your daily life, such as how high-value activities contribute to your long-term goals, or how low-value activities may hinder your productivity.
  • Suggestions for how you can improve your time management skills and optimize your schedule to achieve your goals.

Example activities:

  • Necessity: Sleeping, eating, personal hygiene, commuting to school/work.
  • High Value: Studying, exercising, reading, practicing a skill or hobby.
  • Planning: Setting goals, reviewing notes, creating a schedule, and reflecting on your progress.
  • Low Value: Watching TV, scrolling through social media, playing video games, chatting with friends.

We hope this assignment helps you become more aware of your time management and prioritization skills, and identify opportunities for improvement!

From Lesson: Work Ethic and Time Management

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From Learning Gig: Employment Soft Skills

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