Dress for your Job Position

Every job has different standards. Know what your workplace expects and dress the part.

Outstanda : Professionalism and Grooming

Grooming and Looking Appropriate in the Workplace


When it comes to the workplace, it's important to present yourself in a professional manner. This includes your grooming and appearance. Your appearance can impact how you're perceived by colleagues, clients, and customers. Let's explore some positive things to do and negative things to avoid when it comes to grooming and looking appropriate in the workplace.

Positive Things to Do

There are several positive things you can do to groom and look appropriate in the workplace. These include:

  • Dressing appropriately for your job and the company culture
  • Keeping your hair neat and styled appropriately
  • Maintaining good personal hygiene
  • Keeping your nails clean and trimmed
  • Wearing minimal or appropriate makeup

Negative Things to Avoid

There are also several negative things to avoid when it comes to grooming and looking appropriate in the workplace. These include:

  • Wearing clothing that is too casual or revealing
  • Having an unkempt or unclean appearance
  • Smelling of alcohol or smoke
  • Wearing too much perfume or cologne
  • Having visible piercings or tattoos that may be deemed inappropriate

Know The Expectations

Every job is different. Some jobs may allow long nails or flip-flops, but many will not. Know what is expected. Look like you want to be there and look good so you represent the company well.

Also, remember promotions and raises usually go to people that do more than the minimum effort, which includes showing up looking like a manager even if you are not one yet.


Grooming and looking appropriate in the workplace is important for presenting yourself in a professional manner. By following positive grooming practices and avoiding negative ones, you can help to ensure that you're presenting yourself in the best possible light. Remember, your appearance can impact how you're perceived by others, so it's important to take it seriously. Good luck!

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